
Get Behind Fanny: Podcast Hiatus

It is with much sadness that we are announcing that the “Get Behind Fanny” podcast will be on a long term hiatus. Simply put, things have changed in the past 18 months since the podcast began and those changes have impacted our ability to produce the podcast on a regular basis.

If anything changes, we shall announce it here. For now, we want to thank you all for your support and enthusiasm for the podcast. It was truly an honor to present Fanny’s history to you all.

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  1. Surprised to read the podcasts will be on hiatus, but understand. Bryron, Kristen and Alice, you gave Fanny fans so much joy, insight, history and moments by providing 40 plus podcasts
    in those 18 months. An amazing accomplishment! Fanny fan base will continue to grow because Fanny was a damn good rock band.. “Great Music never dies” and neither will Fanny’s
    legacy as one of the best bands ever. So instead of “ciao”, I say, “A Little While Later”!

    Once again, Thank You Byron, Kristen and especially Alice……. until that time!

  2. Been waiting for a new episode for a while. I am now reading this somewhat cryptic message, but I hope everything goes well and that we may hear something soon.

    1. Well, Mr. Doe, there’s nothing cryptic about the message. Things did changed. What those things are is not relevant, what is relevant is that we’re not able to produce new episodes at the present time. Things may change in the future and we’ll be back, we just did not want to keep everyone in limbo waiting for a new episode. Thanks for listening.

  3. It’s ‘most too much to bear. First the death of Betty Davis and now the demise of the Fanny podcast. But will have to maintain.
    Oh do hope that all of yous are in good health. That that’s not the reason.

    “Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

  4. Well, I saw it — or heard it — coming when you guys announced you were taking a break. (Alice’s voice spoke volumes.) Dang! I’d been so brushing up for the next chance to win those Beat Club bonus songs. I have to say, what an unlikely thing: 40 fascinating episodes covering just four too-short albums. Well done! Will you please keep us posted on stuff?

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